
Glenbrook Hyundai - GENTBROOK

  Glenbrook Hyundai AKA - Gentbrook Let me tell you a little story about how I played a punk salesman I will call Mr. Gentbrook to get caught in his own lies. This is the salesman that was allowed to harass me for years because there was never any "proof". So I decided to "prove" it to everyone only to have upper management looking for reasons to fire me. I finally gave them that reason, two months later, because I was so fed up. I decided to go public with just some of their 'questionable' activities. Mr. Gentbrook is so arrogant and smug that he had a sign in his workspace that read "GENTBROOK". He would actually tell people "This is Gentbrook, this is my store, and I will do whatever I want, whenever I want." And of course Glenbrook Hyundai sales management never did anything to stop his arrogant behavior. So it just grows. Even after many complaints from employees as well as customers, sales management did nothing about his attitud

Glenbrook Hyundai - Harassment And Coercion

  Glenbrook Hyundai "Coercion is a serious offense in INDIANA that can lead to jail time, fines, or probation.  The final punishment depends on the severity of the actions, the evidence presented in court, and the judge's discretion." "Put simply,  coercion  is forcing someone to do something by making threats. It's an attempt to control a person's behavior with force or manipulation.   Coercive control is a pattern of behavior that involves individuals, usually in positions of power or authority, to manipulate and dominate their subordinates.  Unlike overt forms of abuse, coercive control operates more subtly, making it challenging to identify and address." "Coercion involves  telling employees what to do and promises punishment if employees do not follow directives . It does not allow employees to share in making decisions. Employees working under coercive management styles may be resentful and may choose other employment." Exactly like when 

Glenbrook Hyundai - Work Experience Facebook Shutdown

  Glenbrook Hyundai After years of ongoing stalking and harassment I have had enough! Due to threatening messages in my inbox and constant stalking and harassment by reporting my posts on my personal Facebook page, I have shut those pages down. 1st was the awareness page I created. My Facebook page named 'Glenbrook Hyundai Work Experience' was growing and bringing people together. Many having the same or very similar experience as me when dealing with the Glenbrook Automotive Group. Many former employees as well as a large number of former customers had multiple complaints and it seems this behavior has been going on for many years. Not just Glenbrook Hyundai but several of the dealerships under the Glenbrook Automotive Group. Facebook was even promoting and advertising my page, at no expense to me, because of the audience and their involvement talking about past experiences and bringing people together on the site. People were sharing stories and bonding knowing that they wer

Glenbrook Hyundai - Stalking By Upper Management And Family

  Glenbrook Hyundai Was I being stalked and harrassed by upper management and family at Glenbrook Hyundai? By their own words in a post on the BBB they were in fact stalking me. See my post about Glenbrook Hyundai Lies and Corruption    It sure seems possible and I have two (or even three) pieces of evidence that make me almost positive that the "Controller" at Glenbrook Automotive Group may have been at least one of the guilty parties. Below is screenshot of a meme I shared on FB a couple months before I was fired. Notice that the controller 'liked' it. She claims she wasn't stalking my FB account or harassing me by reporting my FB page and/or posts yet she liked this meme that said "If you're going to stalk me, you could at least "like" some of my shit." We were NOT friends on FB so why is she liking this post if not stalking me? The only post she ever reacted to on my account. You tell me, STALKING? Next is a screenshot of a message that

Glenbrook Hyundai - Used Auction Cars

Glenbrook Hyundai Buying a used car from Glenbrook Hyundai? Might want to think twice and ask a lot of questions. When they start running low on trade-ins and need more used cars on the lot they go to the auction(s) and buy junk that other people and/or dealerships are getting rid of. You are looking at used auction cars to buy! These cars from the auction(s) get a bandaid and put on the lot for sale. After all, Glenbrook Hyundai , like many dealerships, are in business to make money no matter who they screw over! Flood cars? "Project" cars? Problem cars? Abused cars? Neglected cars? Junk cars? Many of the complaints I have made public in this blog are probably from these cars being sold to unsuspecting buyers. Glenbrook Hyundai does the bare minimum to get these cars roadworthy and sell them as is, no warranty. Or as I put it, a brake light warranty, once they can't see the brake lights the warranty is over. Be careful what you buy and from who you buy it. Ask for a CAR

Glenbrook Hyundai - 5 Star Rescore Con Game

  Glenbrook Hyundai The 5 Star rating CON GAME that dealerships play on customers. Many unhappy customers leave a 1 or 2 star rating for their horrible experience but the dealership is allowed to provide the customer with a "revisit" and then a "rescore" for the stars. Basically this Con Game offers the customers to come back in and let the dealership like Glenbrook Hyundai "bribe" them with redoing the visit. Many times offering the customer freebies and/or discounts to make them even happier with their revisit. Then the dealership will ask them if they are happy and when the customer finally says yes the dealership will ask if the customer was to get another survey if they would fill it out with 5 stars. So the customer then gives a "rescore" and these are the numbers you see on the 4.5 - 4.8 star reviews. The fake rescore numbers are what they show the public, not the real scores from the original visits to the dealership like Glenbrook Hyunda

Glenbrook Hyundai - Lies And Corruption

  Glenbrook Hyundai N ow they commit libel on the Better Business Bureau website, and by their own words they ADMIT to stalking my social media account(s). Let me just point out to the complete MORONS at Glenbrook Hyundai that it is a review. It is a customer review as well as an employee review, you treat both like crap so it really is the same. 1st - It says what a horrible place this cesspool actually is that you people run. 2nd - It talks about allowing finance to add things customers do not want and how pushy and arrogant some of the sales people really are. 3rd - It tells about the drug abuse, harassment, theft and corruption that you people allow in your cesspool of a company. Ongoing criminal activity allowed by upper management for years now. I do believe that is what most people with at least half a brain would call a review! Just because you people don't like to hear the truth and you can't stand the public finding out about what really goes on in your pathetic littl