Glenbrook Hyundai - Work Experience

- - Glenbrook Hyundai - -

Here is my personal experience after working at Glenbrook Hyundai for 6 1/2 years.

Hostile Work Environment.

Theft Of Personal Property As Well As Company Property.

Destruction Of Personal Property.

Harassment And Bullying On Multiple Levels.

Rampant Drug Abuse And Sales Throughout Company.

No Compliance With Company Policies.

Coercion And Stalking Of Employees Social Media Accounts.

Glenbrook Hyundai - Hostile

There is a certain salesman that thinks he owns the place and likes to throw a temper tantrum like a 6-year-old 2 or 3 times a month. Mr. Gentbrook. Screaming and threatening other employees while standing in the showroom right next to the customer waiting area scaring customers. But he sells cars so it is ok and they keep him around. Many customers have complained about salespeople harassing them while waiting in the service area for their car to be finished.

Glenbrook Hyundai - Theft

I went to a manager, in front of the GM, to report some of my personal items being stolen repeatedly from my desk. His response was that it is normal in a dealership to have things stolen. The GM said nothing. Glenbrook Hyundai salespeople just take whatever they want like they own everything in the store, don't ask, and don't return things. He said he would buy me a lock box, sure put a bandaid on a gaping wound instead of addressing the real issue. Sales were also caught stealing food and bottled water from the parts department. They stole the shuttle phone as well. They would also steal t-shirts and hoodies that the service department bought and paid for as the uniforms for the porters and lube techs. Criminals!

Glenbrook Hyundai - Harassment

Ongoing everywhere and when brought to the attention of management the employee is basically told to shut up about it or lose their job. Personal, sexual, etc. Also online, cyber harassment including cyber stalking and cyber bullying my FB account and reporting it so that I get restricted every day, I suspect by upper management. Ongoing for me for over 2 years now. An employee told another employee that they felt sorry for me because of the way certain salespeople were treating me, yet nothing got done about it and everyone knew about it. Most people in the building were aware of how I was being treated, it was common knowledge and many made jokes about it on a regular basis. Again, Mr. Gentbrook.

Glenbrook Hyundai - Drug Abuse

Throughout Glenbrook Hyundai, from management to porters, drug abuse is rampant and goes on in offices, in the back shop, and in the parking lot. They won't do anything about it because if they did they would lose about 90% of employees. There is also a no-smoking policy (and LAW) in the building which is completely ignored. The back shop has turned into a smoking/drug lounge. Some salespeople who showed up on drugs every day were also known to carry firearms in and around the property. The only time Glenbrook Hyundai has a 'drug policy' is when it benefits their needs. More discrimination! If they need a good reason to fire someone they will drug test them, that is their policy. Family and friends coming and going from the back shop while there is buying and selling of drugs. It is AMAZING what you can see when you have access to the security cameras!

Glenbrook Hyundai - Company Policies

No dating in the workplace, a document signed upon hire but never enforced. There are no drug policies that I am aware of. There are no harassment policies, sexual or otherwise that I am aware of. There are no cyber stalking or cyber harassment policies, including up to upper management. It is basically a free for all and if you complain or make noise you are silenced and/or terminated by the right-to-work law. "But employers are liable if the underlying reason for termination is retaliation against an employee who engaged in statutorily protected conduct."

Glenbrook Hyundai - Hush Hush

I was told to put my social media account to private when I mentioned a few things online. When I said no I was then told that I should go back and delete a few posts I made because they really did not want to lose me. In other words, delete the posts you made or you are fired. If you don't like employees complaining about their treatment why not do something about it instead of trying to just shut them up. Glenbrook Hyundai likes to play the right-to-work law in Indiana but fails to realize that employees still have certain rights.

The sales team would use my desk as a daycare and my computer as a babysitter. If there was a snow day or someone couldn't get a sitter my workspace became the daycare and I was left to clean up the mess from their kids. Grease all over my mouse, ketchup all over my desk, and pop in my keyboard. How nice of the sales team, as usual. The break room wasn't good enough for the kids apparently.

Glenbrook Hyundai does not like the truth to get out. They like to play favorites and let certain sales employees do whatever to whoever, they might actually enjoy it. I have talked to a few people that no longer work there who quit or got fired and are willing to bring their stories forward as well. We need to take a stand against this corruption and misuse of authority. Hopefully, this will wake some people up.

They hired a cleaning company that uses illegal immigrants and can't read the difference between soap and hand sanitizer. I have to stock the bathrooms daily and clean up after the cleaning crew, take the sanitizer out of the soap dispenser(s), and put actual soap in it. The trash only gets taken out half the time. The sales department is like a bunch of children that expect everyone else to clean up after them, guess who ends up doing that.

The lube techs are so worried about getting back on their phones or sharing videos while doing oil changes and tire rotations they leave lug nuts loose. They forget to tighten down oil drain plugs and or filters. They even forget to place the oil cap back on the engine after adding oil, if they don't forget to add the oil at all. People leave a trail of oil out of the parking lot because the lube techs don't check or watch the car pull away from the lift to make sure nothing is leaking. I have had to go clean driveways because of this. Cars were being towed back to Glenbrook Hyundai because the oil light came on before the customer even got home.

I have busted my butt for 6 1/2 years for this company in the service department where I have been treated fair. Unfortunately, I have to deal with the sales side far more often than I like to which is where the abuse, harassment, bullying, and childish games come into play. Nothing ever changes over there, they think they are GODS when in fact they are pathetic, spoiled little children who get away with far more than they should. Sales and service should be separate entities and take care of their own areas and buildings.

There is plenty, plenty more I could go on and on about Glenbrook Hyundai but I think this will do for a good start. Policies need to be made and people need to be held accountable for their actions or lack of. And I mean ALL people, from the top to the bottom, with no exceptions.

Don't take my word for it, do a search for "Hyundai Harassment" yourself and see what comes up. Hyundai dealerships have a reputation for harassment all over the internet. Keep in mind that most incidents are not even reported so the numbers are actually much higher than people think or know about.

As long as you are willing to play along, keep your mouth shut, and don't stir the pot you'll be fine. Start mentioning things and you suddenly have a target on your back. I was even told after the last issue I had with sales in March that the GM was gunning for me and trying to find a reason to terminate my employment. A rumor? Maybe, maybe not. This could possibly explain the increase in cyber stalking, harassment, and bullying over the last several weeks of my employment.

I was mentally and emotionally exhausted after months of being harassed in person and online. When nothing was being done about it I decided to make it public knowledge. The day I was terminated is the day it all stopped, of course in person but the online harassment ended the day of my termination as well. Coincidence? I think not! So apparently this was the only way to get these people at Glenbrook Hyundai to stop doing what they were doing, obviously, management would not do anything about it. The GM is worthless!

They say I crossed the line. I say I was slowly pushed over the line by them allowing the harassment to continue and grow over the last several months. They allowed this behavior to continue for years, not months but years, and then they call me a problem? They created this environment, not me. Everybody knew and yet nothing was done but now I'm the problem.

They denied my Unemployment Insurance for "Breach of Duty" which is fine because I don't need their money. But isn't it a "Breach of Duty" for a company to allow an employee to endure months of stalking, harassment, and bullying, in person and online. If they would have put an end to the real problem months ago none of this would even be coming out to the public. Is it not the DUTY of ANY company to protect an employee from this type of hostile work environment from another employee? Check your books Glenbrook Hyundai, you failed multiple areas of DUTY!

Want to learn more about "Breach Of Duty" by Glenbrook Hyundai management then check out this post in my blog -

If they allow fellow employees to be treated like this you can just imagine how they might allow customers to be treated.

Hyundai has a reputation for harassment, just do a Google search for 'hyundai harassment' and see for yourself. Pages of complaints and lawsuits.

I started looking for another job towards the end of 2022 because I was so fed up with the treatment I was getting and the neglect of management to do anything about it. I am going to miss my job and most of the people I work with and for. Let me be clear, they are not all bad.

At the time I made this post here is what had to say about Glenbrook Hyundai -

"Overview of Glenbrook Hyundai customer experience
Glenbrook Hyundai is known for poor customer service, with many complaints related to unfulfilled promises and pushy sales tactics. Customers have reported issues with faulty vehicles and inadequate repairs, resulting in expensive repairs and constant breakdowns. The dealership is also known for deceptive financing practices, including adding extra fees and charges without informing customers. Overall, Glenbrook Hyundai has a poor reputation among consumers, with a high number of negative reviews and complaints."

You are reading this because I have been terminated due to retaliation for bringing all this to the public. This abuse and mistreatment of employees needs to be brought to an end. I sacrificed my job to try and bring justice for future employees and also to hold upper management accountable for their actions or lack of.

Here is a link to contact the state of Indiana and file a formal complaint against a dealership.

It's Another Fun Day At Hyundai

Please feel free to leave a comment if you like.

- - - Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose. - - -

* A special Thank You to all my stalkers at Glenbrook Hyundai who spy on my facebook page. *

* Clicking and sharing all the links I posted there really helped promote this blog. *


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