Glenbrook Hyundai - Cyber Crimes

Glenbrook Hyundai

Cyber Stalking  -  Cyber Harassment  -  Cyber Bullying

The original post was made public on my FB account Saturday evening May 6th and was removed Sunday morning May 7th. It was live for less than 10 hours, on the weekend, overnight, and after business hours. And yet caused such a frantic stir among Glenbrook Hyundai management on Sunday that they decided to fire me Monday, May 8th.

If they were not stalking my FB account then how did they find that post so fast? Why was I being stalked and harassed over the weekends? This seems like good evidence that I was in fact being stalked and harassed by one or more members of Glenbrook Hyundai, which I believe may have included upper management.

Since March when one of the salesmen tried to get me fired (again) but lied and got himself in trouble with HR, the cyberstalking, harassment, and bullying started increasing to the point that my FB account was being reported and restricted every, single, day. This salesman, who by the way had been harassing me for over two years, would not stop. I was even told the GM was looking for a reason to fire me at this point because his little pet got in trouble.

At one point I had blocked every employee and manager at Glenbrook Hyundai and even some in the back office but the harassment and bullying continued. I figured that would not stop them because almost everyone on FB has at least two accounts, some have multiple accounts. So it continued going on and on, every single day.

I should mention as well that after the incident in March, I had many sales employees suddenly sending me friend requests. I accepted a few but after a short time, I unfriended most of them because I figured they were just spying on me as well.

These types of cyber crimes are very commonplace and cause many more problems in the world we live in today. I felt emotionally and mentally stressed and drained, I hated the thought of going to work. I felt like the sales side of Glenbrook Hyundai was always doing something to get a rise out of me. They never stopped, from online harassment to personal harassment by messing with my desk and my personal belongings in and on my desk. I complained about it yet nothing was done.

It seems Glenbrook Hyundai likes to use many shady tactics to get rid of employees they no longer want around. Employees that might bring things like cyberstalking, harassment, and bullying to the public. Instead of solving the problematic actions of certain employees, they get rid of others and just let the problem(s) continue.

I will also mention the sales department thinks they can break the rules and the laws as they see fit, this has been going on for a very long time. Laws such as cyber crimes and turning the back shop into a smoking/drug lounge. Glenbrook Hyundai likes adding extras to customers' paperwork when they buy a vehicle. One salesman likes to tell everyone "This is my store and I will do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it." And he does and gets away with it all the time.

May 29th is 3 weeks since they terminated my employment and I have not been restricted on FB nor have I had any other issues or problems with my social media accounts in any manner since. Although I am sure the stalking still continues.

These facts make it almost impossible to deny their actions and reactions. I called the State Police and they were no help. After doing some digging online I found this little website called the FBI - Cyber Crimes Division (IC3). You can bet I filed an official complaint and reported all this behavior to them. I also filed with the Indiana Department of Labor & IOSHA

The next few months will determine the outcome of all this stalking, harassment, and bullying. We will indeed find out who, what, where, and why. Time is on my side these days as I am unemployed and have GOOGLE at my fingertips.

I was terminated from my job at Glenbrook Hyundai because of all this but hopefully, it will make its way to the people upstairs and something will finally be done about it. People should not have to work in such a hostile environment and put up with all the harassment and bullying, in person or online.

  • "Cyberstalking involves the use of information and communications technology (ICT) to perpetrate more than one incident intended to repeatedly harass, annoy, attack, threaten, frighten, and/or verbally abuse individuals."

  • "Cyberstalking is a criminal offense under American anti-stalking, slander, and harassment laws. A conviction can result in a restraining order, probation, or criminal penalties against the assailant, including jail. Cyberstalking specifically has been addressed in recent U.S. federal law."

Here is a link to contact the state of Indiana and file a formal complaint against a dealership.

It's Another Fun Day At Hyundai

- - - Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose. - - -

* A special Thank You to all my stalkers at Glenbrook Hyundai who spy on my facebook page. *

* Clicking and sharing all the links I posted there really helped promote this blog. *


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