Glenbrook Hyundai - Breach Of Duty

Glenbrook Hyundai Breach Of Duty They say I was in "Breach of Duty" for going public after the company wouldn't do anything about what was happening in and around the store. Let us talk about Breach of Duty Is it not a Breach of Duty to allow drug use and drug sales in a business while putting other employees at risk? Several people show up on drugs in the morning, come back from lunch on drugs, and do drugs in and around the building all day. At times they are selling drugs to each other and other times outside people (friends and/or family members) will show up and sell or buy drugs to and from employees. All of this is putting fellow employees, and customers, health and safety in jeopardy. The back shop at Glenbrook Hyundai really is a 'free for all' environment. Some salespeople who showed up on drugs every day were also known to carry firearms in and around the property. The only time they have a 'drug policy' is when they want a good reason to fire s...