Glenbrook Hyundai - Breach Of Duty

Glenbrook Hyundai

Breach Of Duty

I was terminated from my job on May 8th, 2023 and I was denied unemployment insurance all because they say I was in "Breach of Duty" for going public after the company wouldn't do anything about what was happening in and around the store.

Let us talk about Breach of Duty

Is it not a Breach of Duty to allow drug use and drug sales in a business while putting other employees at risk? Several people show up on drugs in the morning, come back from lunch on drugs, and do drugs in and around the building all day. At times they are selling drugs to each other and other times outside people (friends or family members) will show up and sell or buy drugs to and from employees. All of this is putting fellow employees, and customers, health and safety in jeopardy. The back shop at Glenbrook Hyundai really is a 'free for all' environment. Some salespeople who showed up on drugs every day were also known to carry firearms in and around the property. The only time they have a 'drug policy' is when they want a good reason to fire someone. Only when it is to their advantage, discrimination?

Is it not a Breach Of Duty, as well as breaking federal law, to allow smoking in the building? A few years ago a customer complained in a public review because after they paid $200 to get their car cleaned and detailed they got it back smelling like smoke. Employees and customers have been complaining about this for years.

Is it not a Breach of Duty to allow certain "special" employees to harass and stalk other employees in person and/or online for months and even years? This is considered Cyber Crimes and is in fact against the law. Yet Glenbrook Hyundai allowed it to go on for years.

Is it not a Breach of Duty to continually allow employees to keep stealing from other employees and other departments? They just get a slap on the wrist and go steal more stuff. Employees should not have to lock up all their personal belongings every time they go to the bathroom or have to leave their desk for a few minutes. How much time would be wasted every day by clearing your desk and locking everything up when you walk away? Then when you get back you have to unlock your desk, get everything out and situated before you can start working again? Ridiculous!

Is it not a Breach of Duty for management at Glenbrook Hyundai to be taking home monies that customers paid to purchase a vehicle(s)? Sometimes 10's of thousands of dollars in cash walk out of the building instead of being kept in the safe. And then not being able to make the deposit the following day because the money is "missing".

Is it not a Breach of Duty to have an entire family running the back office? This can be a major conflict of interest when something happens. Just whose side do you think everyone in the office will be on? Can't go against family.

Is it not a Breach of Duty to have a general manager who is never in the store? He shows up to Glenbrook Hyundai first thing in the morning, checks the mail, and leaves, usually within one hour of getting there. After that, he is off doing who knows what, maybe at his other store. He is sure not at this store taking care of business and making sure things get done properly. Maybe time to get a new GM that will actually be at work and keep law and order in the building.

Check your books Glenbrook Hyundai, Breach of Duty has many meanings.

They like to make things up to make themselves look better and make me look like I did this out of retaliation for being fired. When in fact, the truth is, I brought this to the public BEFORE they fired me, it is why they fired me. Because they let it all continue to grow.

Most people in the building were aware of how I was being treated, it was common knowledge and many made jokes about it on a regular basis. One receptionist even told another receptionist that she felt sorry for me because of the way certain sales people treated me.

I was fired out of retaliation for bringing some of this to the public. Now I feel that it is within my rights and my DUTY to continue to bring all of this to the public. These issues and criminal behavior at Glenbrook Hyundai need to be resolved for the health and safety of future employees, and customers. Neither should have to deal with some of these criminal actions that have been allowed to go on for way too long.

Here is a link to contact the state of Indiana and file a formal complaint against a dealership.

It's Another Fun Day At Hyundai

- - - Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose. - - -

* A special Thank You to all my stalkers at Glenbrook Hyundai who spy on my facebook page. *

* Clicking and sharing all the links I posted there really helped promote this blog. *


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