Glenbrook Hyundai - Management Or Not

Glenbrook Hyundai

Management or Not 

So today, July 1, 2023, is eight weeks since I made my complaints public on Facebook. Tomorrow, July 2, 2023, is eight weeks since HR and the controller got involved, along with many others, in deciding my fate. Monday, July 3, 2023, is eight weeks to the day I was fired from my job at Glenbrook Hyundai for "Breach Of Duty".

For over 2 years the sales manager and the general manager did nothing about my complaints of being harassed not to mention doing nothing at all about the theft, the smoking in the building, or the rampant drug abuse. Which, by the way, has been going on since before I started working there over 6 years ago. And you could smell it everywhere inside and out.

The only time Glenbrook Hyundai has a 'drug policy' is when it benefits their needs. If they need a good reason to fire someone they will drug test them, that is their policy. Just more discrimination! Management is inconsistent with many things like this, it has to be in their best interest, not the company's best interest. In the 6 1/2 years I worked there I was witness to drug sales out of the back shop. Friends and/or family members coming and going, buying and selling drugs.

So why are these 'managers' even collecting a paycheck? Glenbrook Hyundai could save a lot of money by doing away with those two positions that seem to have no authority to do anything anyway, right? I know for a fact that the harassment against me did not stop until HR and the controller got together, with others, and had me fired. I have not been harassed online for 8 weeks now and counting. The day I was fired it all stopped.

I had to go public and HR and the controller had to get involved and have me fired before the harassment would stop. Not the sales manager. Not the general manager. They did absolutely nothing, so why are they even collecting a paycheck? It took me losing my job for it to stop. Even though most people in the building were aware of how I was being treated, it was common knowledge and many made jokes about it on a regular basis.

It seems the protocol at Glenbrook Hyundai is to just skip the ranks and go straight to the office and get HR and the controller involved if you want anything to be done or taken care of properly, or in a timely manner, which seems to make a few management positions obsolete, to say the least. A waste of good money for nothing to be done about laws being broken.

Had I known that going through proper channels would just create more friction and nothing would be done, I would have just gone to HR and the controller in the beginning. But I was always told and taught that there are procedures and proper channels to follow.

It is my opinion that Glenbrook Hyundai needs to get some management on the sales side that will actually do their job and earn that ridiculous paycheck they get every week. Either that or take that money and spread it out with the people that actually work for a living and earn their money.

'Management' that refuses to take care of issues, problems, and complaints is not management at all. 'Management' that can't and won't keep their little pets in line is worthless! 'Management' that allows multiple laws to be broken on a daily basis on company property is less than worthless.

One other option would be to move HR and the controller's offices over to the Glenbrook Hyundai building. Since they are the only ones that seem to have any authority over that business they should be in that building. Maybe then they could keep an eye on 'management' as well and possibly terminate the ones that don't or won't do their job as they should.

Here is a link to contact the state of Indiana and file a formal complaint against a dealership.

It's Another Fun Day At Hyundai

- - - Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose. - - -

* A special Thank You to all my stalkers at Glenbrook Hyundai who spy on my facebook page. *

* Clicking and sharing all the links I posted there really helped promote this blog. *


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