Glenbrook Hyundai - Employees Have The Right To Fair Treatment

Employees have the right to fair treatment.

People keep asking me why I made this blog and what does it matter if it goes world wide when the company I am calling out is in Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.

I made this blog because I have been mistreated by many employers and employees over the years. I am 57 years old and I am fed up with companies like Glenbrook Hyundai always getting away with abuse and harassment. 'Management' that allows their little favorites to keep mistreating others instead of taking care of the problems they create.

People like me get fired because we complain while other people keep their job and get more brazen over time because they keep getting away with the same crimes that 'management' keeps allowing. They get bolder and bolder treating people worse and worse over time because 'management' always seems to have their back. People that walk around saying things like "This is my store and I will do whatever I want, whenever I want"...Mr. Gentbrook.

Sexual harassment, ethnic harassment, verbal harassment, cyber harassment, age discrimination, threats of violence (even in front of customers and other employees or 'management'), drug and/or alcohol abuse, theft of personal property, the list goes on and on. I have witnessed (and been victim of) every bit of the above at Glenbrook Hyundai and 'management' just allows these people doing this to keep their jobs. In this case, with this company, the GM is also part owner of the company. His little favorite sales people keep putting money in his pocket so he won't fire them even when they are breaking laws and committing criminal acts, on company property, in front of customers, employees and managers.

I have seen several employees quit for one or more of the reasons I stated above. They were harassed, in one form or another, and when they said anything they were told to shut up or clock out and go home. An ongoing practice at Glenbrook Hyundai. Play along or get out.

Believe it or not, I am a friendly guy and fairly easy to get along with. I make friends easily and people talk to me about life and their problems, so I really do know things that many people don't want to get out. People trust me without doubt. I'm very good at keeping secrets, but when pushed too far by corruption, greed and criminal activity, I have to draw the line. Glenbrook Hyundai crossed that line, or better yet, I should say they pushed me over that line. Either way, they betrayed me as they let these crimes continue against me for over two years. They have been going on in the company since before I even got there I'm sure.

That is the why. Now for the - what does it matter if it goes world wide.

It matters because this is a major problem all around the world. Glenbrook Hyundai is just a drop in the bucket. Heck, it is just one company in the Glenbrook Automotive Group. It is just one company in Indiana. It is just one company in the U.S.A. It is just one company in the entire world. It is just one company out of hundreds, if not thousands or even tens of thousands, that continue to let this kind of criminal behavior continue to exist and grow out of control.

Many countries have laws similar to our laws in the U.S.A. about sexual harassment, discrimination, threatening fellow employees, etc. Most of these countries also have the internet, and the world wide web can be a powerful tool if used properly. Companies use it to promote their products, they also use it to falsify and fake many 5 star review sites to make themselves look better. So why can't WE use it to bring action against companies like Glenbrook Hyundai that allow criminal activity in the workplace?

I realize that many younger people can not afford to voice their concerns as it could impact their future ability to find work and that is horrible. So maybe the older generation(s) should start clearing the way for a better, peaceful, lawful, workplace for everyone. Maybe politicians and governments should start listening to the people instead of writing them off as complainers or just disgruntled employees. Maybe owners should start taking a better look at who they have in charge of their business. Criminal activity, no matter how small, is still criminal activity and 'management' or not, people need to be held accountable for their actions or lack of.

We can stand together and make our voices heard and maybe make a difference.
Or we can clock out and walk away, leaving the same criminal activities to continue.
They keep getting more brazen and the new people suffer even more.
A vicious cycle that needs to be put down!

Companies do NOT keep the world moving - EMPLOYEES DO!!

Here is a link to contact the state of Indiana and file a formal complaint against a dealership.

It's Another Fun Day At Hyundai

- - - Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose. - - -

* A special Thank You to all my stalkers at Glenbrook Hyundai who spy on my facebook page. *

* Clicking and sharing all the links I posted there really helped promote this blog. *


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