Glenbrook Hyundai - 5 Star Rescore Con Game


The 5 Star rating CON GAME that dealerships play on customers.

Many unhappy customers leave a 1 or 2 star rating for their horrible experience but the dealership is allowed to provide the customer with a "revisit" and then a "rescore" for the stars.

Basically this Con Game offers the customers to come back in and let the dealership like Glenbrook Hyundai "bribe" them with redoing the visit. Many times offering the customer freebies and/or discounts to make them even happier with their revisit.

Then the dealership will ask them if they are happy and when the customer finally says yes the dealership will ask if the customer was to get another survey if they would fill it out with 5 stars.

So the customer then gives a "rescore" and these are the numbers you see on the 4.5 - 4.8 star reviews. The fake rescore numbers are what they show the public, not the real scores from the original visits to the dealership like Glenbrook Hyundai. They show you bought and paid for numbers! The 5 Star Con Game!

Here is a perfect example of this from 'surecritic', notice the 4.8 stars
jumping out at you right away from the top of the page;

However if you scroll down you will notice the original "REAL" score after the "rescore";
Notice the rescore number is the 4.8 and right after that you see the ORIGINAL REVIEW score at 2.2.

So many customers never look or pay any attention and just trust the first 4.8 they see.
Notice the 190 rescores!

Here is the link to this website so you can see for yourself,

These car dealerships like Glenbrook Hyundai count on customers to just notice the first thing they see and that is why the 4.8 stars is usually right up at the top of the websites. Most customers never take the time to look past that and actually read any reviews for themselves.

We have been conditioned to believe the first thing we see and trust these websites!

Most of these "automotive" related websites don't even show the original scores and only show you the rescores. Deceiving practice to say the least! The 5 Star Con Game.

Do your homework, check third party websites and not just the "automotive" websites that stand behind the dealerships like Glenbrook Hyundai to sell cars. Read reviews and find the truth for yourself. It will be well worth your time in the long run and could save you a lot of major headaches.

Don't trust the stars, read the most recent reviews for the last month or two. Many of those have not been altered yet because the dealership has to make the time to get the customer back in and then to send the "rescore" out to the customer. Even then it may take the customer a month or so to get around to take the "rescore".

Also CHECK THE DATE on the review! Many of these websites will get several bad reviews in a row so they will dig up an older, good review and put it at the top of the list! Sometime these first reviews will be a year or two old or even older. More deceit and more reason not to trust these con artists!

I have known people that actually paid family and or friends to give them and or their company five star reviews. More cons from criminals! Never trust the stars and do your own homework!

Stop doing the rescore survey!     Stop helping spread the lies!

Just another example of crime and corruption in the car business!

Misleading the customer.

Here is a link to contact the state of Indiana and file a formal complaint against a dealership.

It's Another Fun Day At Hyundai

* A special Thank You to all my stalkers at Glenbrook Hyundai who spy on my facebook page. *

* Clicking and sharing all the links I posted there really helped promote this blog. *


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