Glenbrook Hyundai - Lies And Corruption


Now they commit libel on the Better Business Bureau website,
and by their own words they ADMIT to stalking my social media account(s).

Let me just point out to the complete MORONS at Glenbrook Hyundai that it is a review. It is a customer review as well as an employee review, you treat both like crap so it really is the same.

1st - It says what a horrible place this cesspool actually is that you people run.

2nd - It talks about allowing finance to add things customers do not want and how pushy and arrogant some of the sales people really are.

3rd - It tells about the drug abuse, harassment, theft and corruption that you people allow in your cesspool of a company. Ongoing criminal activity allowed by upper management for years now.

I do believe that is what most people with at least half a brain would call a review! Just because you people don't like to hear the truth and you can't stand the public finding out about what really goes on in your pathetic little company called Glenbrook Hyundai doesn't mean you can say it isn't a review, MORONS.

As I have said on a previous page, I made a post on FB on a Saturday night, I removed this post Sunday morning and I was fired on Monday morning. That post was the first time I went public about my treatment at Glenbrook Hyundai. It was live on FB for less than 12 hours.

Now I see on the BBB website claims that I, and I quote, "was let go for posting comments online about being disgruntled and suggestions about actions he might take resulting in his coworkers being concerned for their safety." Defamation of character.

* * Please note I will add a screen shot at the bottom of this page * *

Notice the term 'did not actually provide a customer review'. Apparently some idiots forgot that I was not only an employee but I was a customer as well. I did purchase a vehicle from Glenbrook Hyundai so that is the first part of their lies in this story. And a perfect example of how they just say whatever they want to make themselves look good with no TRUTH to it at all.

Notice the term 'comments' and not 'comment' or post. 1 post, over night, less than 12 hours. And I was fired the next day, it was not ongoing as they make it seem! More false wording to make me look bad. Defamation of character.

Notice the term 'coworkers being concerned for their safety'. I was friends with most of my coworkers, many on FB even, and I never gave reason for anyone to be threatened or afraid of me. Defamation of character.

Over 20 employees at Glenbrook Hyundai entrusted me with the lottery pool and the money to buy lotto tickets, half of which were on the sales side of the company. This included the GM, two sales managers, 1 finance manager, 1 service manager and several other employees in the building including sales and service.

I was told I was fired for making a public post and complaining about my treatment, which I admit to in the first or second page of this blog and above as well. NOTHING was ever said to me about anyone, EVER, being concerned for their safety. This is all after the fact and falsified information (libel) on the part of a company well known for this type of behavior. The whole reason, in fact, that this blog even exists is to bring this kind of treatment from them to the public.

These are the tactics that Glenbrook Hyundai uses when someone, anyone, tries to bring their criminal actions and corruption to the public. They turn it around and make the person with the complaint(s) the bad guy.

These people are salesmen, they think everybody buys their BS all the time. We all know very well how the car sales business works and how the majority of these people act. They're Saints right? At least in their pathetic little minds they are.

I have witnessed this in the past on more than one occasion. Employees being harassed out of the company. Management trying to find a reason to terminate an employee because one of their favorites get into a dispute with an employee. This is what happened to me back in March, if you read that page you know what I am talking about. They were looking for a reason to fire me anyway.

How could my coworkers at Glenbrook Hyundai be 'concerned for their safety' when most did not even know what was going on until Monday morning when they were told I was fired? Why would they be since I was never a threat to anyone anyway? There were one or two who had been harassing me for years but I never threatened them and as management will tell you, as they told me, you can't prove it anyway. No one ever complained about being fearful of me in any way or I know I would have heard about it right away.

I am still friends with a few employees as well as ex employees from Glenbrook Hyundai. I have had friend requests on FB from people, as of last week in fact, who still work there. The service department is not "concerned", the parts department is not "concerned", so why is the sales department allegedly "concerned" AFTER the fact that I was fired? Perhaps because they are guilty of what I have been saying in this blog the entire time. Or perhaps this is just more slander against me, the same crap that has been going on for years from the sales department. Or possibly it is some of both? This is yet another perfect example of why I wrote this blog.

When I went in to get my things I ask my manager if he was "concerned" and he said not at all. So it seems to be more lies and corruption from the sales department - as usual.

I am not stupid nor am I crazy. They are simply trying to cover up the things they always cover up. Things that they do not want getting out to the public. Things I discuss in this blog. No one has ever stood up to them in the past and called them out like I am doing with this blog.

For almost 3 months now I have been telling my story here and they can do nothing but try and make me out to be the bad guy. If this was all lies, like they want you to believe, don't you think Glenbrook Hyundai would have had their fleet of attorneys shut me down long ago?

I speak from my experience. What I have witnessed. What I have had happen and done to me. These are NOT theories nor are they hearsay. They are FACTS! If I was speaking on hearsay this blog would be a thick bound, hardcover book that would take a month to read.

I worked there for 6 1/2 years. I had more responsibility than any other employee except management. I knew more about many things than management did, I even had more seniority than all but one manager that worked there! I had no issues with management in the service department, the parts department or in the back office. But after years of being harassed by the sales department, which if you have been reading this blog you know, ended with my termination, I simply tried to get something done about it. But when you are salesman of the month for 6 or more months of the year you get away with whatever you want and management turns a blind eye. GM's little pet.

I was fifth in seniority in the entire building at Glenbrook Hyundai. 1 service manager, 1 lead shop tech, 1 salesman, 1 parts, and then me. But that does not count for anything in a company that thinks sales people are gods and everyone else is just a servant to them. And when the GM has his little pets that do unto others without consequence there is no law or order. That speaks volumes about the turnover in the company.

So, as I said, here is the screenshot of the libel and lies from this corrupt company. Here is the link so you can see for yourself,

There is no end to the criminal actions of this company.

This is simply retaliation for this blog and is Defamation Of Character.
Just as I would expect from these criminals, been dealing with it for years.

One thing is for sure, they aren't even smart enough to use proof read!
Unless they meant to call me formal?

A former employer who is furious at you for leaving before they could trump up a reason to fire you. Usually found in companies that believe they own their employees.

Here is a link to contact the state of Indiana and file a formal complaint against a dealership.

It's Another Fun Day At Hyundai

- - - Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose. - - -

* A special Thank You to all my stalkers at Glenbrook Hyundai who spy on my facebook page. *

* Clicking and sharing all the links I posted there really helped promote this blog. *


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