Glenbrook Hyundai - Stalking By Upper Management And Family


Was I being stalked and harrassed by
upper management and family at Glenbrook Hyundai?

By their own words in a post on the BBB they were in fact stalking me.

It sure seems possible and I have two (or even three) pieces of evidence that make me almost positive that the "Controller" at Glenbrook Automotive Group may have been at least one of the guilty parties.

Below is screenshot of a meme I shared on FB a couple months before I was fired. Notice that the controller 'liked' it.

She claims she wasn't stalking my FB account or harassing me by reporting my FB page and/or posts yet she liked this meme that said "If you're going to stalk me, you could at least "like" some of my shit."

We were NOT friends on FB so why is she liking this post if not stalking me? The only post she ever reacted to on my account. You tell me, STALKING?

Next is a screenshot of a message that was sent to me and then deleted. The controller messaged me two months AFTER I was fired from Glenbrook Hyundai. Two minutes after the message was sent it was then deleted. She messaged me later, again on FB, and I have a copy of that saved for a later date.

Also take note the small circle that says "You're not friends on Facebook".

This is the kind of behavior that should not be allowed in any company. However it is normal business at Glenbrook Hyundai. They think they are above the law and they can treat people and employees however they see fit.

I went to HR at one point to complain and she pointed at the shared office wall between her and the controller. As if to say she knew what was happening but could not do or say anything.

These are the kinds of things I was complaining about and trying to get stopped. This is the kind of behavior that should not have to be tolerated by any employee. This is exactly why I created this blog and the FB page, to bring this to the public and maybe it will end so other employees in the future will not have to tolerate this kind of behavior.

These are things that got me fired. The corruption runs deep and if you complain they don't care. Their 'special' employees do whatever they want, to whoever they want, and keep getting away with it. This company really needs to clean house and start abiding by the laws.

Stalking? Harassment? You tell me.

I also have copies of a conversation that we had on FB shortly after I was fired, but that is for another day.

Here's an update I just found out about Dec. 28, 2023

I just recently realized the niece of the controller, and former Glenbrook Hyundai receptionist, has been following my personal FB page since the day after I was fired, May 9, 2023, about 7 1/2 months. Every time I made a post she was notified and I'm guessing so were many other people shortly after the fact. 

Hey, why not right? After all it's the "family business". And apparently she thinks it is very funny by her reaction with the emoticon. I posted this on my FB page and within minutes her father commented and told me to keep his family out of it.

I guess maybe the whole family should learn to keep out of my business instead of voluntarily putting themselves right into the middle of it. Over and over again.

Stalking? What do you think? Why else would a 20 year old girl follow a 58 year old man on his personal FB page?

Never liking any posts or leaving any comments, just getting alerts and watching and reporting.

* * * There is a VERY thin line between 'following' someone and stalking someone! * * *

Here is a link to contact the state of Indiana and file a formal complaint against a dealership.

It's Another Fun Day At Hyundai

- - - Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose. - - -

* A special Thank You to all my stalkers at Glenbrook Hyundai who spy on my facebook page. *

* Clicking and sharing all the links I posted there really helped promote this blog. *



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