Glenbrook Hyundai - Work Experience Facebook Shutdown


Glenbrook Hyundai

After years of ongoing stalking and harassment I have had enough!
Due to threatening messages in my inbox and constant stalking and harassment by
reporting my posts on my personal Facebook page, I have shut those pages down.

1st was the awareness page I created.

My Facebook page named 'Glenbrook Hyundai Work Experience' was growing and bringing people together. Many having the same or very similar experience as me when dealing with the Glenbrook Automotive Group. Many former employees as well as a large number of former customers had multiple complaints and it seems this behavior has been going on for many years. Not just Glenbrook Hyundai but several of the dealerships under the Glenbrook Automotive Group.

Facebook was even promoting and advertising my page, at no expense to me, because of the audience and their involvement talking about past experiences and bringing people together on the site. People were sharing stories and bonding knowing that they were not alone.

However due to several threatening messages in my inbox, I shut that page down. Not to mention the trolls (stalkers), which of course are to be expected. Especially with the people and company we are dealing with here.

Below is just one example of the kind of things some people will do. Even going so far as to claim to be the "META POLICE" and threatening to shut down my page, which of course never happened because it was just more harassment and stalking from certain people.

This is only one example of many messages I received. Each one was different in one way or another, but the same threats, all while claiming to be from META, Facebook, and even other entities.

Every message threatened to shut down my page within 24 hours if I didn't click the hyperlink(s) attached. Or, as seen above, says my page is locked and no one can see it until confirmed. Well, as I am no fool, I never clicked any hyperlinks from these criminals. I can only imagine what was behind those hyperlinks! Virus? Trojan? Spyware? etc.

My page was NEVER locked, suspended or shut down as most of these messages claimed it was or would be. Just more empty threats from a worthless entity thinking they can control everyone and everything that goes against them and their criminal activities.

2nd was my personal Facebook page.

I really don't need to explain much about my personal page as this entire blog is based on that, and it has been ongoing for almost 4 years now. Repeatedly reporting my posts and getting me consistently thrown in 'facebook jail'.

Due to the lack of concern from Facebook, as well as the local and federal authorities, and even attorneys I have been in contact with, I just decided to shut it all down except for this blog.

It simply amazes me how much crime and corruption goes on in the business world and not one thing ever gets done to stop it. Threats, stalking, harassment, drug abuse and trafficking, etc. Criminals, backed by fleets of attorneys, who just keep committing crimes at the expense of innocent people.

Disgruntled employees? Damn right!

Disgruntled customers? Hell yes!

Read more about Disgruntled Employee

Imagine how much this happens on a regular basis. Imagine a young person new to the workforce. Imagine how they get treated if they complain or try to get help. Imagine the turnover in a company that allows this behavior to thrive.

I'm 58 years old and not afraid to voice my opinions and tell the world how I was treated. I do not care if they try to keep others from employing me. I have my work ethic and my background to hold me steady. I am now, and have been in the past, self employed.

A young, new to the workforce person does not have what I have. They are scared and don't know what to do or where to turn, so now they just quit and move on hoping the next place will be better. Hoping they will be treated fair and with respect from their fellow employees next time. Next place.

Management at Glenbrook Hyundai allows this to happen instead of fixing the problems. Then it gets worse over time because it grows like a tumor. And then we end up here, because I have a voice to be heard. Because I am too damn old to back down and cower in the corner from these criminals.

What chance does a young person have against corporate monsters that have thrived in this environment for years? N O N E ! And so it continues and it grows.

If Facebook, META, city police, state police, IOSHA, EEOC, FBI IC3, DEA and multiple attorneys will not even try or hear the story from a 58 year old then what chance does a teen or 20 something year old have against these corporate monsters and their criminal actions?

So it continues and it grows. Harassment on many, MANY levels, stalking, bullying, discrimination, coercion, theft, drug abuse and drug trafficking in the workplace, crime and corruption running rampant. Etc, etc, etc.

Why would management, or even owners, do anything about these issues?

The law won't do anything to help employees so why should the company change it's ways?

Here is a link to contact the state of Indiana and file a formal complaint against a dealership.

It's Another Fun Day At Hyundai

- - - Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose. - - -

This blog is a summary of what I went through, how I was treated
and what I learned about how they operate the car dealership.

* A special Thank You to all my stalkers at Glenbrook Hyundai who spy on my facebook page. *

* Clicking and sharing all the links I posted there really helped promote this blog. *


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