Glenbrook Hyundai - Harassment And Coercion


Glenbrook Hyundai

"Coercion is a serious offense in INDIANA that can lead to jail time, fines, or probation. The final punishment depends on the severity of the actions, the evidence presented in court, and the judge's discretion."

"Put simply, coercion is forcing someone to do something by making threats. It's an attempt to control a person's behavior with force or manipulation. Coercive control is a pattern of behavior that involves individuals, usually in positions of power or authority, to manipulate and dominate their subordinates. Unlike overt forms of abuse, coercive control operates more subtly, making it challenging to identify and address."

"Coercion involves telling employees what to do and promises punishment if employees do not follow directives. It does not allow employees to share in making decisions. Employees working under coercive management styles may be resentful and may choose other employment."

Exactly like when Glenbrook Hyundai told me to take down a post on social media because, as they told me, "we would hate to lose you". A blatant threat of my employment if I did not comply with their unlawful demands. Not looking into the problem or trying to solve the problem, just telling me basically to shut the hell up about it.

Glenbrook Hyundai stalks their employees social media accounts and dictates what they can or can not post, link to, share or say. I think I have shown that plain as day with evidence I have shared in this blog. There is also reviews online that other employees have posted stating the same facts, it isn't just me and I'm sure it has been going on for a very long time.

They tried to shut me up by firing me. The online harassment stopped for a short time until I created a FB page and this blog. Then it started right back up again but even worse because I was receiving falsified, threatening letters in my admin box like the one I shared in another post.

Companies that treat their employees like they own them need to be called out and disgraced on social media. Employees are NOT property that you can control! You do NOT own them! Those days are long gone but this criminal behavior continues in certain business to this day.

Glenbrook Hyundai needs to learn that just because an employee can sell a car or two does not mean that he should be allowed to act like a terrorist toward other employees. Upper management should not be stalking employees online trying to "control" them but should rather be digging deeper to find the real problem(s) and solve them, regardless of who needs to be terminated to end the problem(s).

They thought because I do not like apps or that I do not have my entire life on my phone I was electronically challenged. However I am very good with computers and even had my own online business. I may be old but I ain't stupid! Just because I do not like, or trust electronic devices, does NOT mean that I don't know how to use them. Never judge a book by its cover!

Maybe Glenbrook Hyundai should beware in the future how they allow certain employees to treat other employees. Maybe they need some new policies and probably even some new management. After all, it seems the management they have is stuck in a rut that has been run in for many, many years. New blood, new ideas, better solutions. Stop the criminal activities!

A mistreated employee will never be happy at work. You can NOT act like you own them and think that you can control them and their lives! Maybe if they were treated with respect from EVERYONE the turnover would be quite a bit less and people might actually stick around and make a career out of working at Glenbrook Hyundai. Probably not anytime soon because of the people there, and I doubt they will ever clean house as it is 'family owned' and other 'families' that run the place. "The Family Business."

People like me have a voice and we know how to use it. I shut down my FB account due to the constant harassment and I am getting away from social media again because I am old and I know how to live without a screen stuck in my face 24/7. However this blog will be around for awhile just because I want other employees to know they do not have to accept being treated the way I was treated.

Instead of trying to shut people up you should be fixing the problems, starting with yourselves!

Remember, Glenbrook Hyundai is only one spoke in the wheel called 'Glenbrook Automotive Group'. The entire "GROUP" needs an overhaul to get with this century and start abiding by the laws of today's world. Especially in the upper ranks, as almost any former employee will tell you. The whole "GROUP" is run by the same coercive, controlling, threatening, oppressive hand full of people that think they own every employee and can dictate their lives.

More people should be doing this. Complain about your employer and let them call you disgruntled. The more people that complain the more the business will lose face because all the employees can not be disgruntled, and if they are, well then the business better be taking a long look in the mirror!!!!!

Just more criminal actions from a company well known for such things.

Here is a link to contact the state of Indiana and file a formal complaint against a dealership.

It's Another Fun Day At Hyundai

- - - Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose. - - -

* A special Thank You to all my stalkers at Glenbrook Hyundai who spy on my facebook page. *

* Clicking and sharing all the links I posted there really helped promote this blog. *


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