Glenbrook Hyundai - GENTBROOK


Glenbrook Hyundai

AKA - Gentbrook

Let me tell you a little story about how I played a punk salesman I will call Mr. Gentbrook to get caught in his own lies. This is the salesman that was allowed to harass me for years because there was never any "proof". So I decided to "prove" it to everyone only to have upper management looking for reasons to fire me. I finally gave them that reason, two months later, because I was so fed up. I decided to go public with just some of their 'questionable' activities.

Mr. Gentbrook is so arrogant and smug that he had a sign in his workspace that read "GENTBROOK". He would actually tell people "This is Gentbrook, this is my store, and I will do whatever I want, whenever I want." And of course Glenbrook Hyundai sales management never did anything to stop his arrogant behavior. So it just grows.

Even after many complaints from employees as well as customers, sales management did nothing about his attitude problems.

Knowing how much it would annoy him I made signs that read "JAYBROOK - 6 YEARS" because he had 2 years less working at Glenbrook Hyundai than I did. I printed up about 2 dozen of these signs because I knew I would be replacing them many times each day, and I was right!

Every time I left my workspace Mr. Gentbrook would come in and tear down my signs. Every time I got back I would put up another one. This went on for two days...and many signs.

On the third day I went into his workspace and tore down his sign! After he got to work the third day he tore down my signs a couple times more...suddenly it stopped. I knew what was up but just waited. Can you guess where this is going yet?

Remember, I worked for the Glenbrook Hyundai service department and Mr. Gentbrook works for sales.

He finally noticed his sign had been removed and it seems Mr. Gentbrook went crying to his manager that someone destroyed his precious GENTBROOK sign. Who would have guessed, right? So now his manager apparently had words with my manager. Around the middle of the day my manager called me into his office and asked if I tore down Mr. Gentbrook's sign. Of course, I told him I did it. He was not very happy and told me that he now had to get HR involved to which I replied, OK.

On a side note, I walked over to Mr. Gentbrook's workspace that morning, looked up at the security camera, saluted it, and proceeded to tear his sign off his wall. Remember, this was all planned to prove his lies, deceit and harassment of me.

Early that afternoon I was called back into my managers office to find HR sitting there waiting on me. Again I was asked if I tore Mr. Gentbook's sign down, and of course, I replied yes. Then, when I was asked why I would do such a thing, I replied that Mr. Gentbrook had been tearing down my signs for the last two and a half days!

They looked at each other surprised and looked at me. They told me this is the first they were hearing about this side of the story. I said, of course it is. He lies, steals and cheats to get his way and he is trying to get me in trouble again. They said they would look into it and get back with me, they never did get back with me. It got buried with everything else Glenbrook Hyundai likes to hide I guess. Because the sales managers little pet got himself in trouble with HR for lying and not telling the whole truth. Not to mention he proved to everyone he was indeed destroying my personal property and harassing me...again.

How did I know for sure it was Mr. Gentbrook you ask? The receptionist was in on it and texted me every time he tore down my signs. He harassed me for years and I busted him and I had a witness! Did not matter though and he still works there. Criminals often have each others thick as thieves.

Let me just add that I was not allowed to put a security camera in my workspace. 

The following week I heard from 3 different people around Glenbrook Hyundai that upper management was looking for reasons to fire me. I got their little sales pet in trouble with HR and they wanted me gone. Criminals allowing criminal activities to continue at the expense of other employees. Just more coverups from a company very good at covering things up! Many, many things!

Several receptionists over the years witnessed the actions of him, and his friends, harassing me and destroying my personal property. Yet I was always told that nothing can be done because it is a, "he said, he said" situation. That is how Glenbrook Hyundai works. He is putting money in the pockets of the 'upper class' so he gets away with anything he does.

I PROVED the harassment (with a witness) and yet again nothing was done about it!

I PROVED the destruction of personal property (with a witness) and yet again nothing was done about it!

I PROVED who was doing it (with a witness) and yet again nothing was done about it!

CRIMINAL ACTIONS disregarded by Glenbrook Hyundai sales management HR and the general manager! They ignored his actions again and again and again. Then they were out to get me fired when I finally proved everything I had been saying for years. Pathetic little people!

Best thing to do is stay FAR away from this cesspool and everyone swimming around in it!!!

At the time of this post Mr. Gentbrook still works there, telling lies and selling cars. I'm sure he is still harassing people as well, it's what he does even better than selling cars. The company pet that gets away with doing anything to anybody at GENTBROOK...his store.

Complaints after complaints from employees and customers mean nothing apparently.

Proving his criminal actions also means nothing to certain people at Glenbrook Hyundai.

If they allow this treatment of a fellow employee just think what they will allow with customers!

Company pet - Trained and protected by his masters - As long as he keeps selling cars.

All about the $$$ no matter what! - Only thing criminals really care about!

Here is a link to contact the state of Indiana and file a formal complaint against a dealership.

It's Another Fun Day At Hyundai

- - - Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose. - - -

* A special Thank You to all my stalkers at Glenbrook Hyundai who spy on my facebook page. *

* Clicking and sharing all the links I posted there really helped promote this blog. *


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