Glenbrook Hyundai - Drug Testing And Abuse


Glenbrook Hyundai

Drug abuse and employee testing discrimination.

Uses targeted drug testing as a means for termination of certain employees.

Yet other employees selling and working on cars are on drugs every day.

The sales department has turned the back shop into their smoking and drug lounge.


The entire time I worked for Glenbrook Hyundai they never had a drug testing policy per se. They only use targeted drug testing to terminate the employment of certain people they do not like or simply just want to get rid of them. MORE DISCRIMINATION from a corrupt company well known for such activities! And no, I was not one of these employees. I do not do drugs.

The first time I heard someone mention drug testing I was taken by surprise. I asked about it and was told that basically they don't do drug testing but it is a way that they can get rid of certain employees they no longer want around because if they drug tested everyone, they would never get anyone to work there. So they send them in for testing and if they test positive OR if they just flat out refuse to go for a drug test...YOU'RE FIRED!

I know of several sales and service employees crashing into other cars on the lot while they were on drugs and never tested. More than one incident for a couple employees. I was involved in an accident on the road while test driving a customers car and never drug tested. Many of these cars belonging to customers.

Why were they, or myself, never drug tested? Discrimination?

Some managers were doing drugs in their office, in the back shop, in the parking lot. Yep, you read that right. Customer and employee complaints were ignored, as expected.

Why were they never drug tested? Discrimination?

Some sales people at Glenbrook Hyundai would show up in the morning stoned out of their minds on drugs and come back from lunch the same way. Some would even just go in the back shop or parking lot and do drugs, some were also buying and selling drugs out of the back shop. Some of these sales people who were on drugs were also carrying firearms in and around the building. Customers would even complain about the drug abuse occasionally. TWO federal laws being broken and ignored by management! Seems like a great idea right?

Why were they never drug tested? Discrimination?

Some employees that are sent out to test drive YOUR vehicle after repairs are on drugs. Some employees that drive customers in the courtesy shuttle are on drugs.

Why are they never drug tested? Discrimination?

Some lube techs at Glenbrook Hyundai, the people that are responsible for changing your oil and filters are on drugs. Not only do some of them show up stoned out of their minds on a daily basis but some also carry firearms in and around the building. They also come back from lunch high as hell or go out in the parking lot to do drugs during the day. They are the ones working on YOUR car in this condition.

Why were they never drug tested? Discrimination?

Some lube techs, while on drugs, also play games on their phones, watch tik tok videos, talk to friends, etc. while working on YOUR car. Is it any wonder why I had to go out and clean several driveways when I worked there? Oil pan plugs loose or falling out, oil filters loose or falling out. Some customers would bring their car back the next day because they found a puddle of oil on the garage floor from the oil leaking out overnight, some had to be towed back. Some were from loose drain plugs and/or loose oil filters. Some were because the oil cap never even got put back on the engine so the oil sprayed all over the engine compartment soaking everything under the hood and running all over the ground. A few had to have engines replaced.

Why were they never drug tested? Discrimination?

These are the kind of people they let you buy a car from. These are the kind of people they let work on your car. These are the kind of people they let drive your car around the lot or test drive your car on the road. 

I had access to the security cameras and I used to hang out in the crows nest. I have witnessed everything written above with my own eyes at Glenbrook Hyundai and even more. I have witnessed drug use and drug sales on the property, inside and out. Many people know, many are involved, yet nothing gets done about it. There is no equal or fair treatment in this company. It is only about the people that put more money in the pockets of certain other people. Yep, you know what I'm talking about!

I have an idea for Glenbrook Hyundai. Better yet for the ENTIRE Glenbrook Automotive Group. STOP drug testing altogether - OR - start drug testing everyone...EQUALLY!

Even better, I would challenge them to drug test every single employee. I mean every single person that collects monies on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, etc. basis. EVERY single person on the payroll from the bottom to the top. Hourly, salary, commission, etc. Sales, service, parts, back office, CEO, CFO, accounting, attorneys, management, owners, part owners, family, etc. EACH AND EVERY ONE. Stop the discrimination!

Let's find out just how many people are on drugs at the ENTIRE COMPANY that should be fired along with all the former employees that were wrongfully terminated due to drug use as discrimination. Fair is fair, RIGHT? Clean house! Friends, family, whoever, EVERYBODY!

FAIR AND EQUAL TREATMENT FOR ALL - Isn't that the federal law behind drug testing?

Random drug testing NOT targeted drug testing! Or test every employee. ALL of them.

Let the WHOLE company actually live by the rules and LAWS of society! Not just the discrimination that they see fit to use at their own convenience against others.

My guess is they would lose between 30-50%, probably more, of their employees and I say let them go! Start next year with a clean business and with better people and see if it might bring back the reputation of your company. Because these days the reputation of Glenbrook Hyundai, and a few others in the automotive group, is in the cesspool for sure.

More criminal activities from a company known all to well for such things. Will it never end? Will they ever stop the corruption? Will they ever stop the criminal activities? All of which goes on daily as normal routines? They are in so very, very deep! Where is the law?

That is how they do things most of the time. Cover up for certain people and try and destroy other people. Blame the former employees for the problems in the business, not the people that are actually responsible for the problems. Always the "disgruntled employee" that is the problem right? Never the management or the owners that allow all these crimes to continue on a daily basis, month after month, year after year.

Why does this company allow so much drug abuse on the clock from so many employees? How many people are being endangered by this practice of theirs? Not just fellow employees, but customers, as well as innocent drivers on the road. Think about that for a minute.

If your car is damaged by the dealership you can always request the person responsible to be drug tested. Your insurance might want to know and I would really think that Glenbrook Hyundai insurer would want to know as well. Maybe that is why they make the employee cover the cost of the $2500 deductible, so the insurance company doesn't feel the need to drug test?

Targeting certain people for termination by drug testing them while allowing multiple people you KNOW are on drugs every day at work to continue working for your company for years and even decades is - DISCRIMINATION!

"Although there are no specific Indiana drug test laws for the private sector, employers that do decide to require workplace drug testing need to follow certain procedures, or they can run into legal issues. Any Indiana workplace drug testing program must comply with federal law, ..."

"Even though Indiana law doesn't expressly prohibit drug testing, an employer may run into legal trouble based on the way it conducts the test or who it decides to test."

Here is a link to file a complaint with OSHA about drug abuse in the workplace.
You can remain anonymous if you choose to,

Here is a link to contact the state of Indiana and file a formal complaint against a dealership.

It's Another Fun Day At Hyundai

- - - Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose. - - -

This blog is a summary of what I went through, how I was treated
and what I learned about how they operate the car dealership.

* A special Thank You to all my stalkers at Glenbrook Hyundai who spy on my facebook page. *

* Clicking and sharing all the links I posted there really helped promote this blog. *


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